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I see myself as the "primitive potter." My soul is constantly drawn to organic, unique and natural substances. Over the years, I have experimented with wheel-thrown and refined clay pieces, only to be uninspired with the results. I gravitate back to what speaks to me – handbuilt, rugged pieces, decorated with oxides or by Raku firing, and finished with kelp woven edges and beachcombed treasures. Each piece is a unique celebration of the natural world around us.     Nancy Cramer


Nancy grew up in an artistic family; her father and sister are both professional artists. As a child she spent endless hours creating gifts and "making art projects." After graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree from Wilfrid Laurier University, she spent a year backpacking around Europe learning as much about herself as the world around her. Upon her return, she headed west and worked at the Emily Carr College of Art until she started a family. A few years later, her passion for tactile arts led her to the Clay and Textile program at Capilano College where she studied weaving, clay, and textile surface design. She has always been drawn to primitive societies and their rustic art forms. Her present work has evolved from her love of weaving, clay, spirituality and nature. Nancy’s art can be found in private collections throughout Germany, The Netherlands, United States and Canada.

Arts Alive Magazine
Nancy was profiled in Arts Alive, November-December 2004 (pages 18-19)


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